
Collins A2 Key for Schools - 8 Practice Tests (KET)

Tác giả: Sarah Jane Lewis & Patrick McMahon
Nhà xuất bản Tổng Hợp TP.HCM
Số trang: 232
Đơn giá: 298 000 VND
268 000 VND
Tiết kiệm: 30 000 VND

All the practice you need for a top score in A2 KEY FOR SCHOOLS

- Eight complete practice tests, for Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking

- Completely new practice tests that follow the updated exam format for 2020

- A clear guide to the test and practical advice on how to revise and prepare

- Online audio and audio scripts for the Listening and Speaking papers

- Additional sample questions to help you prepare for the Speaking paper

- Answers for all papers, including model answers for the Speaking and Writing papers